No queue data detected

The task queue data is empty, please close this page and try again. If it still doesn't work, your browser may not support this extension, you can try to change your browser or use another extension. (New version of Chrome browser is recommended)

Failed to connect to background

This could be caused by the "Service Worker" going to sleep. You may need to refresh the page or restart the browser to wake it up.

HLS Video Downloader

It is used to download online videos of m3u8 and blob types, and save them to your disk in mp4 format.

Loading index file...
Index load failed:
Task is loading...
-- --/--
Flushing downloaded part...
Completed Error Task is on hold 0B/s
Concurrent requests:
Error requests: 0

Tips: The more concurrent requests, the faster download speed. However, requests that are made too frequently may be denied, resulting in error requests. Fewer concurrent requests should be selected at this time.

Save Cache will be cleared(0s) Loading... Processing...

Because the size of a single video is too large and the download needs to be split. Please save the downloaded part as soon as possible to free up memory to avoid download failure due to insufficient memory.

There are more than 30 bad requests, the task has been automatically suspended. You can click the start button to run it again.

The video download is complete, please save it as soon as possible to free up memory.

Instructions For Using

This is a streaming video downloader, which can save online videos in mp4 format to your computer disk. You need to know something to avoid possible wrong operation to have a pleasant experience.

Please don't close this tab during downloading, or the downloaded data will be lost. If you are interested in something in the page, you can open the link in a new tab (Ctrl+Click).

Why opening this tab when downloading? This tab is used to cache the downloaded video data and provide a persistent visual download interface. Because some big videos can't be downloaded at once in a short time, they need to be downloaded in sections and cached in this tab.

Downloading videos will temporarily occupy your memory, and the memory will only be released when you close the tab or save the video to disk. If the video you download is very large (over 2.6 GB), the video will be divided. You need to save the part divided to the hard disk as soon as possible to free up memory. Otherwise, the task may fail to download due to insufficient tab memory.

Copyright should be respected. If some videos are encrypted, this software can't download it for you, because it may be protected by copyright. We are not responsible for media downloaded by users. We recommend checking its copyright.

This is a generic video download extension, it doesn't do anything special for any specific website or content. Because there are many uncertainties in the network, it cannot be guaranteed that all videos can be downloaded successfully. If it doesn't work for you, you need to try something else that might work.

Common Problems

1Index load failed

HLS video usually contains an m3u8 index file, which is used to record the slice information of the video. Before downloading, the program will first try to load this m3u8 file. There are many reasons for the failure, either because the network is bad, or because the URL of the index file is one-time, and it will become invalid after one request. You should close this tab and try again. If it still doesn't work, try "Recording mode".

2Video flush error

This is a fatal error, which means that the data of this video cannot be parsed correctly, the cause of the error is difficult to determine, you can contact us with an example to determine the cause. You need to use "recording mode" to download this video.

3Multiple HLS videos are captured, how to choose

If the target video has multiple resolutions, it may cause multiple HLS video URL to be captured, which represent different resolutions. In addition, if the video ad on the page is loaded using HLS, its URL will also be captured. You can watch the URLs to identify them, and you can also try hitting downloads to determine what you're targeting by the number of fragments shown in the task, the video resolution.

4More than 30 bad requests

When there are more than 30 bad requests, the task will be suspended automatically. There are many reasons for the network request error, perhaps because the network is not smooth. You can click the "Start" button to start the task again when the network speed is restored. In addition, the server may refuse the request, and you may need to use the recording mode to download it.

5Tab crash

This extension will cache online video segments in this tab, and then merge them when all segment requests are completed, so it will take up your memory in the process. The bigger the video, the more memory it takes up. When the video is big enough, the program will integrate the downloaded part and display a save button. You need to click Save it to disk to release the cache of this part. If you don't do this, the task will fail when the memory runs out.

6Video frame corruption

When you play the video saved to the local disk, you find that its frame is damaged, which may be caused by the program parsing the data incorrectly. You should use the “Recording mode” to solve this problem.